1.1 It is strictly forbidden to bump / hit other
1.2 It is forbidden to force other drivers off the
1.3 Reckless Dive Bombs are strictly
1.4 If you wreck someone intentionally you will immediately
get a race ban
2.1 Even through penalties are on „weak“ drivers must respect
the track limits
2.2 It is strictly forbidden to block someone during the
Qualifying session
2.3 Drivers are only allowed to move once when they try to
defend themselves from another driver
2.4 If you go off the circuit, you must reenter the track in a
safe way.
2.5 You need to respect the blue flags when you get
2.6 Drivers must
respect the white line on pit entry and exit
Note: Sometimes it requires a screenshot or a short
video clip for me to decide on possible penalty points.
Every driver starts with 0 points. If a driver
disrespects one of our rules I can give him up to 5 penalty points. Once somebody reaches 3 penalty points, the driver will get a grid penalty. After an incident, I (FGRacing0610) can decide how
many points you will get.
You can find the penalty points for each driver
Penalty Points:
If you’ve reached one of these
numbers you will be penalised:
3 PP = Tail end of Qualifying grid for one race
5 PP = Tail end of Qualifying grid for two races
7 PP = Race Ban
PP = Penalty Point(s)
- Be kind to one another, respect each other
- Finish the race, no rage quits!!!
- Make sure to have a stable internet connection
- We will have two restarts if drivers can’t move off the line. Each of those who can’t move at the beginning of the race should quit the lobby and then rejoin.
If there are still 3 or more people who can’t move after the 2nd attempt, we will have a final 3rd try (if 1 or 2 drivers can’t move we will continue on racing without them I’m afraid). Once the
bug is still present after those tries, we will have to create a new lobby and try it again.
- If I get disconnected and the race gets cancelled then we will have the following rules:
A) 75% or more of the race complete -> Race will be called official; no restart
B) Less than 75% completed -> restart with the amount of laps that were left when I got kicked (standing start)
- If the servers are down we will wait until 8:45pm for Sony to fix them. If they can’t do it in time, we will have to cancel the
race and race at the upcoming weekend